Syrian waiter in Turkish army uniform sparks anger (Video)

Published April 18th, 2024 - 10:41 GMT
Syrian waiter
Syrian waiter in Turkish army uniform sparks anger. (TikTok/Chef Youssef)

ALBAWABA - A video of a Syrian waiter wearing a Turkish army uniform while serving customers at a luxury restaurant in Istanbul has sparked a wave of wide anger among Turks, local news reported. 

The clip circulated on social media across Turkey forcing the authorities to intervene.

The footage posted by a Syrian chef called "Youssef" on the TikTok platform showed a waiter wearing a military uniform serving food in a Turkish restaurant. It also showed a photographer standing behind him carrying a camera documenting the scene, which seemed to be for show and increase views of the restaurant, according to netizens.

After the fuss online, the video seemed to be deleted from the famous Syrian chef's TikTok account, where he is followed by over 2 million people worldwide.

Many suggested that the video is super old as in one of the clips a photo of Santa Claus was appearing hung on the wall.

Subsequently, the Istanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation, and 3 people were arrested; the restaurant owner, the facility manager, and the waiter, for investigation into the incident.

According to Turkish media, the restaurant is located in the Hussein Agha neighborhood in the Beyoğlu region and is owned by a Turkish citizen named (A.K.).


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